Learn Kashmiri Language: A Comprehensive Guide to Koshur

Author : Wahid Ahmad


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In today’s blog how to learn Kashmiri, before discussing about how to learn Kashmiri, we should be familiar with its past So we will discuss the brief history of the Kashmiri language and the regions where it is spoken on daily basis.

The brief history of Kashmiri language

Kashmiri is an Indo-Aryan language that is popularly known as Koshur. It is language, but it has become mainly Indo-Aryan in nature. Kashmiri word stock is mixed, containing various languages like Dardic, Sanskrit, Punjabi and Persian it’s said that Kashmiri is as old as Sanskrit; it’s spoken before languages like Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, and Gujrati.

Regions where Kashmiri language is spoken

The Kashmiri language is spoken in some regions of India, mostly in the state of Jammu and Kashmir; it’s one of the official languages of this state. We can also find Kashmiri speakers in Himachal Pradesh (India) and in Azad Kashmir  province of Pakistan.

How to learn Kashmiri language 

The first step is listening Just by listening to the surroundings, a child will learn its mother tongue. The same way, when you learn any new language, you need to listen more and more Some people watch movies in that language; that’s completely ok but you need to watch the same movie again. When you watch a video for the first time, we focus mainly on the visuals, but when we start watching it again in that day, you'll start focusing on the audio as well. So the same way, watch it againand again and you will grasp those words. You can find videos and again and you will grasp those words. You can find videos in Kashmiri language easily on Youtube.

Find someone who speaks it and can help you practice the right way using correct grammar and structures so that you solidify the language the right way You don’t want to practice the wrong way and memorize things that are just wrong. The best way to find a native speaker online is on Facebook. On Facebook, you can find millions of Kashmiri-speaking people and not only Facebook but also other social media applications.

Listen to music in the Kashmiri choose some of your favorite artists listen to a few songs again and again that you don’t understand Translate it in your  native language Do this until you understand the entire song Just like reading, this brings up common vocabulary and structures. You can also bring in Kashmiri-speaking radio stations that are in the target language you want to learn You can also watch shows in Kashmiri.


One must be familiar with its rich background to be able to learn the Kashmiri language. It is known as Koshur, and this language belongs to Dardic group of Indo-Aryan languages. With a vocabulary as old as Sanskrit, Kashmiri is spoken in many places, like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Azad Kashmir province.

If you want to start learning the language spoken in Jammu and Kashmir, you should first listen to YouTube videos, watch movies and concentrate on audio clips. This will enable you understand how to emphasize words correctly when speaking or listening. Then find a native speaker on Facebook or other social media platforms who can correct your grammar and sentence structure for you. Talk with somebody, asking questions at the end of the conversation so that he / she may know how well you understand what has been discussed.

Another way of learning this dialect is by studying music. Listen to songs, translate their lyrics and tune in into radio stations where they speak only Kashimiri for better vocabulary skills and structures. Watch television programs in Kashimiri and practice holding conversations.

Thus, one will discover the beauty of this lingua franca blended with others before mastering its intricacies. Communicating effectively through speech in Kashir happens over time with hard work and consistency, hence enabling individuals from different backgrounds get together using their own languages Start your journey towards becoming fluent in Kasur language now so that you can unravel its mysteries today

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